In this Disruptive Technologists’ webinar, Vint Cerf, Chief Internet Evangelist at Google and one of the Fathers of the Internet, and Noreen Whysel, Director of Validation Research at Me2B Alliance, speak with Oliver Christie, Artificial Intelligence Architect and Chief Innovation Officer at Voltare Consulting about The Metaverse Future of the Internet and what that may mean for all of us.
Vint and Noreen speak about where the Internet started and what drives it forward. They go into the “whys” and the “should we” in regards to the metaverse and if it really is this vast new world that it seems to be from all the buzz we hear today.
Where is it going and who will drive this innovation – and should they?
What is the Metaverse?
The metaverse is a concept that has been talked about for years. However, only in the past few years have we seen the term widely used. This sudden surge in interest has accelerated the development of the metaverse as a concept.
According to Wired’s Eric Ravenscraft, ‘To a certain extent, talking about what “the metaverse” means is a bit like having a discussion about what “the internet” means in the 1970s. The building blocks of a new form of communication were in the process of being built, but no one could really know what the reality would look like. So while it was true, at the time, that “the internet” was coming, not every idea of what that would look like is true.’
According to Matthew Ball, a venture capitalist who has written extensively about the topic, the metaverse represents the fourth wave of computers, following mainframe computing, personal computing, and mobile computing. “It’s moving into what people call ambient computing,” he said about the metaverse. “It’s about being within the computer rather than accessing the computer. It’s about being always online rather than always having access to an online world.”
Notwithstanding the challenges that the Metaverse has before it, like the role of Web3, blockchains, AR and VR limitations and obstacles, and oft disparaged NFTs, There are also many of the Metaverse’s almost unlimited applications to consider.
The Metaverse is the future of future technology. A world where we all live in virtual reality and through artificial intelligence.
- Vint Cerf is Chief Internet Evangelist at Google. He is an American Internet pioneer and is recognized as one of “the fathers of the Internet”, sharing this title with TCP/IP co-developer Bob Kahn. He has received honorary degrees and awards that include the National Medal of Technology, the Turing Award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Marconi Prize, and is a member of the National Academy of Engineering.
- Noreen Whysel is the Director of Validation Research at Me2B Alliance and Adjunct Lecturer at Cuny City Tech Communication Design. She is a digital innovator specializing in understandable information spaces, digital archives, and data and usability standards. Watch Lauren Keyson’s Quickbyte Interview with Noreen and learn more about how she started in the technology space and some of the unique insights of human-technology interaction design.
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More About the Metaverse
Read’s article on facebook’s play in the metaverse.