Podcast: Jeff Paul of Viziotag, A Navigator for the Oceans of Streaming Content

Listen to the Podcast with Jeff Paul of Viziotag.

In 2017, 500 hours of video content was uploaded to YouTube every 60 seconds. Many of these videos are well over an hour long making finding the exact piece of information you are really interested in quite a long and tedious experience. It is also easy to skip past the part in the video that you are looking for or miss it entirely making it necessary to start all over again from the beginning.

Viziotag is an innovative platform that sets to provide more effective viewing experiences by establishing a chronological listing of time-stamped deep tags inside a video. This provides instant access to that place in the video. So now instead of having to watch all of the video to find the information you want, with Viziotag you can go directly to the place that you want to view. It even gives you unique sharing capabilities with links that take whoever you are sharing with directly to the point in the video you want them to see.

Disruptive Technologists® reporter Xilling Gu talks with Jeff Paul, one of the founders of Viziotag, to understand the technology behind the tagging and how it revolutionizes experiences of viewing and sharing streaming content.

Jeff Paul from Vizeotag
Jeff Paul from Vizeotag


  • Xiling Gu

    Prolific in storytelling, creating documentaries, International media, and camera operation, Xiling not only is a strong arts and design professional, but also has a Master Degree focused in Management of Technology from New York University.

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