Ricky Robinett and His FakeGirlfriend


Ricky Robinett created the app FakeGirlFriend. An engineer at Target Spot, a digital audio ad network, at night he is a creator of apps including FakeGirlfriend that he created on a lark. “I built it just because I love building little, silly, fun things and I had been toying around with this Twilio API that allows you to work with voice.  I was just thinking about what fun things I could do to kind of prank or trick people with the idea of a fake girlfriend.  I thought it was so stupid that I had to build it.

“I think people who use it are just kind of curious of the concept and interested to see how it works or maybe they are lonely. I default it with a handful of responses, maybe a dozen responses and I use all caps in our responses like ‘THANKS FOR THE FLOWERS’, and a lot of emoticons like smiley faces and those type of things.  Then people are capable of wiping those out and replacing them with their own.

I think a lot of people have had fun with it, but some weren’t happy that they had to pay for it when I had to make the switch from the free version to the paid version.  So I did hear some types of complaints.  But I look at what people add as responses, and it seems like goofy things like ‘I searched Google for a voice sweeter than you and nothing came back.’

I’m just always thinking about different things I would want to build. I’m a huge fan of technology.  I really feel like what drew me into technology is that it allows you to create things and I kind of see these little life-size projects as mini art projects.  I’m always thinking about things and talking to people. “


  • Lauren Keyson of Disruptive Technologists and Keyson Publishing

    Lauren is the Founder and CEO of Keyson Publishing. She is also the Founder and CEO of the not-for-profit Disruptive Technologists, Inc., and founder, writer, and publisher of DisruptiveTechnologists.com. This latest project incorporates published digital content for the web, newsletters, podcasts, quarterly events in partnership with Microsoft, webinars, Think Tank events & dinners with some of the most disruptive voices in technology today, as well as a large social media network on multiple platforms.

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